Monday, July 19, 2010

It's been too long!

I've been busy with my crazy life (check out my other blog to hear about that could easily make a dozen melodramas out of my recent past) and school to update this thing. But as I am taking a film class at the moment, I can't help but want to write at least a little something here. So here goes...

Anyone unfamiliar with Pre-Code films (1929-early 1934), should definitely check them out immediately. I know, I know...old movies just can't hold a candle to new ones, right? Not so at all. These movies came out before the censorship code was enforced. They were violent and funny, sexy and controversial. They are a peek at what the movie industry could have been if the censorship code had never taken over. A more free and interesting movie industry with complex and real characters, with interesting storylines and plots. I cannot even begin to describe how great they are. I've watched three so far for my class I am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, The Public Enemy, and Heroes for Sale. They are all incredible (my personal favorite of the three being The Public Enemy...for anyone who loves the gangster films of Scorsese, or Scarface or the Godfather films MUST see The Public Enemy)! I am going to see three more this week in class, and cannot wait. Trust me. Watch these films! You will not be will be in awe of the quality of these movies. I guarantee you!

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