Friday, May 28, 2010

Burn After Reading

So, I know I'm kind of late in finally seeing Burn After Reading, but my God what a movie! Hysterical and fun with twists and turns and you can always count on the Coen brothers to hit you with the unexpected! Brad Pitt, George Clooney, John Malkovich, etc...the list of cast members is extraordinary and they all play their roles so well! I normally prefer to analyze movies from a literary-based standpoint (i.e. I tend to be an academic nerd), but I just wanted to post this little rave about Burn After Reading. If you haven't seen it, go out and rent it ASAP. You won't be sorry.

As a funny sidenote, the reason I saw this movie today was that my grandparents couldn't believe that a movie fanatic like me had not seen it, and insisted that I sit down with them and watch it. Thanks grandma and grandpa! Your taste in movies is awesome!! :)

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