Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Carter Documentary Revisited

It's taken me a while to watch more of The Carter, mainly because I need frequent breaks from the incoherency and ridiculousness on-screen. From the moment Lil Wayne's anti-writing, anti-intellectual statements relatively early in the film floored me, I became skeptical about the man and his work.

Now, further into the film (though still not finished), I can honestly say my opinion is no better. When asked what he would do if he was president, Wayne had a long laundry list of ideas. The legalization of marijuana, of course was his main priority. But beyond that, he also would revoke all child support laws (i.e. men don't have to take any responsibility for the children they father), and he would get rid of prenups because they would be unnecessary because "the bitch don't get nothin." His words, paraphrased of course amount to, just because a bitch lies with you for years doesn't mean she gets anything because he's been lying with another bitch and she don't get shit. Seriously?? As a woman and a feminist, I am revolted. What a message to send out into the world!

Basically, any respect I may have had for the man was lost with that one rant, and I believe his publisist was fully cognizant of this possibility as she interrupted him during his explanation of no prenups and simply said, "Next question." As a woman who sees Lil Wayne as a voice that has been embraced by an entire generation, I have to wonder...couldn't he use his influence and his very public platform to actually promote good? To talk about things that really matter and not try to make life even more difficult for women? Just a thought.

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